Front Page
Concours de céramique
Concours de céramiques en Puisaye-Forterre
Les Expositions
à Terres Est-Ouest
ExpoLain : exposition de céramiques et d'art contemporain
Revue de presse :
Articles de presse
Livre d'or :
Cartes, maps :
Carte de la région
Pour arriver à Lain
How to get Lain
Cómo llegar a Lain
Contacts :
par Email
Tél, courrier
A propos du site

Born in Lille, Dauphine Scalbert started her ceramic studies with Bernadette Lhôte.
She studied at Harvard Radcliffe Pottery Studio, USA (1974-1975). She was apprentice in La Borne
(Pierre Mestre) and in St. Amand-en-Puisaye (Guy Normand). In Querétano (Mexico), she worked with
Gustavo Pérez. She spent 6 years in Korea (1979-1984), learning Korean pottery in Icheon
(Chong-Wung Toyo) and restoring antique ceramics at the National Museum (Seoul); she studied in
Japan Korean and Japanese ceramics. During 8 years, in Colombia, she worked in her own studio,
taught ceramics at the National University, an did research in pre-Columbian pottery enclaves.
In 1994, she returned to France and settled in Lain, Burgundy, where she established her own
studio and founded a training center, Terres Est-Ouest. Her pots are of a rare traditional
beauty (local clay, kick wheels, wood kiln). Graduated in 1990 at the Institute of Oriental
Languages and Civilisations, she writes in specialised magazines.
Français :
Dauphine Scalbert
English :
Pottery courses
Throwing classes
Dauphine Scalbert
Español :
Dauphine Scalbert
Deutsch :
Dauphine Scalbert
Dauphine Scalbert :
Curriculum Vitae
Ses écrits
Terres Est-Ouest
Le Manoir
89560 Lain
Practical informations (in French)
Lodging (in French)
Throwing cups, bowls, teapots… Formal practice and self-guided exercises are assigned according to
the student’s level and training project.
Related techniques, such as decoration and glazing are also practised. An
These classes are designed for all levels (beginners and advanced students) and are integrated into
the normal working day of the pottery studio.
Students are invited to propose a starting date and the number of weeks
The Terres Est-Ouest specialised library in pottery subjects is available to students for consultation.
How to get there
Ost-West Erden (Deutschland)
Das Atelier befindet sich in einem Gusthof, es werden dort
Kurse für kreatives und praktisches Töpfern im kulturellen Austausch
mit Korea, Japan, Lateinamerika und anderen Ländern abgehalten. Die Kurse
werden Von Konferezen und Ausstellungen begleitet. Für Besucher : Besichtigung,
Töpferkurse, Konferenzen, Ausstellungen Von Keramik und Skulpturen, Fachbibliothek.
Terres Est-Ouest (Borgoña, Francia)
Terres Est-Ouest está situada en una región
célebre por sus tradiciones alfareras y la calidad de sus arcillas. Dauphine
Scalbert, su fundadora, es una experta en cerámica coreana y japonesa,
que dedicó veinte años a la práctica y al estudio de técnicas
de producción artesanal en Europa, Corea, Japón y Latino América.
Terres Est-Ouest (Burgondy, France)
Terres Est-Ouest is at home in a region world-famous
for its pottery. The founder, Dauphine Scalbert, is a recognised expert in Korean
and Japanese ceramics, with 20 years experience studying and working on traditional
ceramics in Europe, Korea, Japan and Latin America. In 1994 she came back to
France and installed her studio at Lain (Burgondy).
Throwing classes, workshops with Dauphine Scalbert, in Burgondy, France, dans le departement de
l’Yonne (89), 190 Km. South-East of Paris. Firing in a wood kiln (or in a gas kiln).
Making pots in the studio, at Lain, cups, bowls, teapots. Techniques: decoration, glazing,
coiling, slabs, raku. Biscuit. Ceramics at Terres Est-Ouest. The workshops of Dauphine
Scalbert in Puisaye. Lodging at Terres Est-Ouest.
Throwing classes, workshops with Dauphine Scalbert, in Burgondy, France, dans le departement de
l’Yonne (89), 190 Km. South-East of Paris. Firing in a wood kiln (or in a gas kiln).
Making pots in the studio, at Lain, cups, bowls, teapots. Techniques: decoration, glazing,
coiling, slabs, raku. Biscuit. Ceramics at Terres Est-Ouest. The workshops of Dauphine
Scalbert in Puisaye. Lodging at Terres Est-Ouest.
Throwing classes, workshops with Dauphine Scalbert, in Burgondy, France, dans le departement de
l’Yonne (89), 190 Km. South-East of Paris. Firing in a wood kiln (or in a gas kiln).
Making pots in the studio, at Lain, cups, bowls, teapots. Techniques: decoration, glazing,
coiling, slabs, raku. Biscuit. Ceramics at Terres Est-Ouest. The workshops of Dauphine
Scalbert in Puisaye. Lodging at Terres Est-Ouest.